

18th March 2020

As the coronavirus pandemic unfolds in the UK our main priority is ensuring the safety of everyone who comes to our food bank – whether it’s someone needing help, someone volunteering their time, or someone making a donation.

Things are changing quickly, so we’ll keep our website and facebook page updated regularly with information about what’s happening at St Austell, Roche and St Stephen, and how people can access support and help us be there for people in crisis.

We’re still supporting people with emergency food at St Austell for our normal opening hours, and will do so for as long as is possible. However, our St Stephen outlet is running a skeleton service, and Roche will now be open only on Fridays from 12-2pm.


In the meantime, your support is vital at this time, so if you’re considering donating, we’re particularly in need of:

  • Tinned tomatoes
  • Tinned fish
  • Jam
  • Rice pudding

Donations can be dropped to St Austell foodbank during opening hours, or in to one of our collection points in the supermarkets.

We are also in need of funds, and if you can help, we would love you to visit our funding pages.

Thank you to all who have offered additional assistance, We have been overwhelmed with your generous offers, and should know more of what is required at some point next week. We will update our facebook page as and when we have more details.

Thank you for your support and understanding in these difficult times.

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